2012 Apocalypse: Fact or Fiction

July 20, 2012

Extreme weather and Massive animal death in 2012. Biblical prophecy coming true or something else? What is happening on our planet right now and are we able to do anything about it? Sri and Kira take a serious and factual gaze at the rise in the apparent signs of the apocalypse and what they really mean. Is the United States getting ready to deal with the return of the dustbowl? Could it be that navy sonar experiments and chem trails are actually playing a role in the mysterious deaths of millions of animals? Sri and Kira take on these questions and go much deeper during a powerful show that it is important to share with everyone you know.
“If we keep our eyes on the apocalypse, then we will bring forward the apocalypse”, shares Kira. Yet, what can we do to shift this rising tide of global experience that seems to be pointing in one direction? Tune in and discover the greater depth of these times and gain some powerful insights and perspectives for navigating them.